CSsR Bangalore

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The Third Pre-Chapter Meeting of the Province of Bangalore at Muttada


 The third Pre-Chapter meeting of the Province of Bangalore was held at Muttada, Trivandrum at the Redemptorist Retreat Centre. It began on 20th November 2018 at 9:30 am with the Eucharistic celebration and ended on 22nd November 2018 by noon. Twenty-eight confreres including the Provincial and the Consultors (OPC) participated in the meeting. Fr. John Mathew the Chairperson of the Preparatory Commission coordinated the sessions quite efficiently with the help of other confreres.


The focus during the first two days was on the draft report on the state of the Province written and read by the Provincial – Fr. Arulanandam. This was in view of wider consultation and discussion on the Provincial’s report as all the members in the Province do not attend the Provincial Chapter. Clarifications and general comments on the report were sought and certain doubts were cleared too. For better participation and feedback on the report, all the participants were grouped into four different groups with an animator and a secretary for group discussions and presentations. There were several group discussions with relevant questions to be discussed and later the secretaries of the group presented a brief report to the entire participants.

There were several other sessions on certain matters that were relevant to our mission in India. The Provincial Superior, Fr. Arulanandam highlighted in a very informative manner the present political and ideological challenges faced by the church in India. Fr. Assisi presented a very clear picture of the background and progress of the process of restructuring that is taking place in the Congregation and its implications on the Province. Fr. Edward did a systematic presentation on the process of identifying the apostolic priorities, core values and also the process of formulating the Unified Vision and Mission statement of the Province of Bangalore. Later he also presented a well prepared detailed evaluation of the functioning of the Sectors in the Province and its relevance to our mission in India.

On the last day of the meeting, we had the discussion on the different Posutulatum that were sent by the confreres and accepted by the Preparatory Commission. Fr. Arulanandam later clarified certain aspects of the various Postulatum and gave his opinions too. He concluded the meeting with a few general comments on various matters in the Province and appealed for greater cooperation with the new Provincial team. The meeting concluded with the prayerfully sung Salve Regina after the vote of thanks by Fr. Edward.

Confreres took an active role in all the sessions. The role of the Redemptorist community with Fr. Christopher as Rector cannot be overlooked. They attended to the various needs of each confrere meticulously ensuring a pleasant stay with good nourishment, recreation, etc. The special Mass along with the parishioners at our parish Holy Cross Church was certainly a blessing in order to celebrate 50 years of the presence of Redemptorists in Trivandrum.

With HIM there is Plentiful Redemption 

With HER there is Perpetual Help.

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The Second Pre-Chapter Meeting at Kalunga


In perspective of the XVII Provincial Chapter of the Province of Bangalore, the Province had its second pre-chapter meeting at Kalunga from 13th to 15th of November 2018. There were 20 confreres who had actively participated in the gathering. It was held in the newly renovated Kalunga community building and the atmosphere was very homely and pleasant.

The confreres were divided into four groups with a moderator and a secretary with the objective to report their discussions from the group sharing. The Pre-Chapter meeting started with the Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Arulanandam, the Provincial. The first session was the report of the Province given by Fr. Provincial. The groups discussed the Provincial report and looked for clarifications. In the second session, Fr. Assisi Saldanha talked extravagantly on the restructuring for mission and Communicanda I. After that, Fr. Edward Joseph gave a detail introduction of the Conference Apostolic plan. The day concluded with the evening prayer and Gaudeamus.

On the second day, the main session of the day was given by Fr. Arulanandam who set out the context of India and the numerous difficulties that defy us as a country, as a Christian minority and the adequate and appropriate responses of the church and the province to these issues. The second session was presented by Fr. Edward. He presented about the Vision, Mission, Apostolic needs and core values of the Bangalore province. He requested the confreres to re-look into the priorities and sought for needed modification. This was followed by the group discussion, presentation, and plenary session.

On the final day, the first session of the day was conducted by Fr. John Mathew. He displayed the postulata that were received for the upcoming provincial chapter and requested the responses of the groups with the objective of presenting the pre-chapter responses to the Chapter. In the second session, Fr. Edward Joseph presented the evaluation of the sector report. The concluding remarks were made by Fr. Arulanandam. These were the days of grace for reflection, discussion and sharing.

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Pre-Chapter Meeting of the Province at Bangalore


In view of the XVII Provincial Chapter of the Province of Bangalore, the Province had its first pre-chapter meeting at Bangalore from 29th to 31st October 2018. Pre-Chapter meetings will be held in two other places in the country, i.e., Kalunga and Trivandrum in November.

The confreres were divided into groups with a moderator and a secretary in order to report their deliberations from the group sharing. The groups took turns to lead the morning and the evening prayer and the Eucharistic celebration. The Pre-Chapter meeting began with the Eucharist celebrated by the Provincial, Fr. Arulanandam. He stressed on reconciling love, compassion with the law. We are to learn from Jesus who valued love and compassion more than the mere external observance of the law. The first session was the report of the Province given by Fr. Provincial. The groups discussed the Provincial report and sought clarifications. In the second session, Fr. Assisi Saldanha spoke elaborately on the restructuring for mission and Communicanda I. Later in the evening Fr. Edward Joseph gave a detail presentation of the Conference Apostolic plan and laid down the task that is expected from the Province.


On the second day Fr. Gino Henriques during the Eucharist gave a homily on being witnesses of the Redeemer and stressed specifically on being a witness. The first session of the day was given by Fr. Arulananadam who laid down the context of India and the many challenges that confront us as a nation, as a Christian minority and to read the signs of the times. The confreres went into the groups to further discuss and share and report to the larger group. After the secretaries of the groups shared and the floor was open for the plenary session. The second session was dealt by Fr. Edward who revisited the Vision, Mission, Apostolic priorities and core values which the Province had previously worked out after the General Visitation in 2013. The confreres were asked to revise and relook at the Vision, Mission, Apostolic priorities and core values in light of the Conference Apostolic plan and Communicanda I. This was done in groups and the secretaries gave their reports of the discussion.

On the third day, the Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Juventius Andrade. He reminded us of the connection between the Redeemer and the closeness to the people. During the first session of the day Fr. John Mathew, on behalf of the preparatory commission, presented the postulata and asked for the responses of the groups in order to be presented to the Chapter as a collective response from the Pre-Chapter meeting at Bangalore. In the second session, Fr. Edward Joseph presented a report on the evaluation of the ‘sector,’ which the XVI Provincial Chapter asked for an evaluation of the ‘sector’ so that it can be presented in the XVII Provincial Chapter.

There are a lot of things for us to be grateful for the Pre-Chapter meeting in Bangalore. It was days of grace for reflection, deliberation and an opportunity for the confreres to learn from one another. The Preparatory Commission, the Provincial Government together with the moderators, secretaries of the groups, notaries and the community and staff at Nava Spoorthi Kendra (where the Pre-Chapter meeting was held) all worked together and put in a lot of efforts for the fruitful completion of the meeting. The meeting was brought to conclusion with the singing of Salve Regina.

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Youth animation programme at Fatima Church, Calcutta


Fatima Church in Calcutta which is under the care of the Redemptorists of the Bangalore Province in India celebrated Youth Day on Sunday, 28th October 2018. Youth Day programme was organized by the Redemptorist Fathers of Calcutta Community in collaboration with some laity of the parish. Frs. Amar Bagh C.Ss.R and Francis Mukul Mondal C.Ss.R took the active role to animate 67 youth of the parish. The programme commenced at 9.00 a.m. with Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Dominic Gomes, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Calcutta.

Fr. Francis Mukul Mondal C.Ss.R the parish priest of Fatima Church pointed out that when the world is moving in the direction of profit-making, creating new technology, etc. unethically, without developing human qualities, we are called to show the direction to the world. “Where technology, politics and corporate have failed, the Church invites you and me to do by sowing the seeds of love and mercy. A world which is immorally thriving without any conscience in the space-less world, misleading the young people and the vulnerable, looks up to you for new direction where everyone can enjoy dignity and equality”, Said Fr. Mukul.  “Let no man look down on your youthfulness but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity show yourself an example to those who believe.”  Pope Francis tells us “not to be afraid of Christ and his Church.  For there we find the treasure that fills life with joy.” We are called to live out joyfully our responsibility for the world.

Fr. Amar Bagh C.Ss.R highlighted in his talk about vocation. He spoke about the life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori and his response to God’s call. Though he came from a rich family he became poor for the sake of Christ the Redeemer.

The other resource persons addressed relevant issues of career motivation and selection, and the challenges faced by our youth in today’s ever demanding world. Mr Christopher Godfrey spoke about different types of addiction and how they are affected in our lives, families and societies. Dr Mary D’Cruz dealt with depression, Mr Dominic Gomes dealt with career motivation and Mr Pramod Fernandes spoke about vocation in general.

The programme ended with dance and singing competitions based on Gospel songs and the theme “We are the Light of the World.”

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Parish feast of St. Gerard Majella Church, Anjukottai


We had 4 days celebration at St. Gerard Majella Church (our patron saint) in Anjukottai, Tamil Nadu.

We began with a flag hoisting on Thursday the 18th of October. There are totally 9 Sub-Stations in our parish and they organised this entire event.

Cultural program was organised every evening after mass. Each day's program had different topics like - Holiness, Family and Confession.

Even the non Catholics participated in this event. Many people gave their testimony on how they got children after praying to St. Gerard. People came from afar seeking intersessions from St. Gerard Majella.
The celebration ended on Sunday, the 21st of October. The former Parish Priest was invited to celebrate Mass.

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Annual Youth Festival in Taherpur, Nadia


(West Bengal, India) The annual zonal level Youth Fest was held in St. Thomas Parish Church, Taherpur on 17th of September. There were about 130 participants from four different parishes. The youth from different parishes with their coordinators attended for a day program as scheduled.

The program began with the Holy Mass presided over by the Rt. Rev. Joseph Suren Gomes, SDB. DD, the Bishop of Krishnagar Diocese. There were other six fathers who concelebrated. In his homily, Bishop highlighted on the importance of the Youth today and their active role in the church. The choir was looked after the sisters and the youth of Taherpur Parish. Fr. Francis Makhal, CSsR, the Parish Priest and the team looked after the main arrangements like the Holy Mass and the Meals.

The day was packed with the activities and all of them actively participated. All had a fun-filled day. Apart from Drawing and singing competitions, there were important talks on youth orientation. The subjects dealt and discussed were on Leadership and the Role of youth today in the Church and in the Society. After the prize distribution and the photo session, all the groups returned to their parishes.

It was a day to remember and cherish the achievements.

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New Building at Kemtatoli Parish


The parishioners were extremely happy about the completion of these multipurpose hall and school building. That's why almost every family of the parish participated in the celebration. There were about 2500 faithful and more than 50 priests and religious came to celebrate with us. Food was served for all. People performed beautiful cultural programs and danced in the compound till late evening. The local administrative officials,leaders and media personnel also gave their cooperation in our celebration and became part of it.

The name of kemtatoli parish is NITYA SAHAYAK MATA CHURCH which means MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP CHURCH. It comes under the Catholic diocese of Gumla. It was first declared a parish on 22nd July 2000 by Rt Rev late Bishop Michael. Prior to the declaration of Kemtatoli Parish, the north Indian Redemptorist Fathers had preaching Parish missions and retreats in the parishes of Gumla Diocese. The diocese thus invited the Redemptorists to Kemtatoli and declared it a Parish on 22nd July 2000. There are about 3000 Catholic population within the parish. There are 10 village mass substations but only 7 villages have village Chapels. Another three villages are in need of Chapels and we are looking for the some benefactors who might help us in building small Chapels in those villages.

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Blessing of Pandripani Parish Presbytery


Pandripani parish presbytery was blessed on 8th July 2018.   Fr. Erenius Ekka is the present parish priest.  There were two V.G.'s from Simdega Diocese for the blessing. Rt. Rev. V.G. Ignatius Tete presided the Holy Eucharist and Rt. Rev. V.G. Tobias Kerketta blessed the presbytery. Fr. Arunandam the Provincial cut the ribbon, even Vicar provincial Fr. Edward was present. There were 22 priests,30 nuns and around 500 parishioners present for the blessing.  There was a beautiful cultural dance followed by welcome song soon after the Mass. There was lunch served for all those who came for the blessing.  It was really a great day for the faithful.


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Redemptorist Mission at St. Joseph's Church, Pudhukottai, TN, India


It was a time of great joy and renewal for the parishioners of St. Joseph's Church, Kottaikkadu, Pudhukottai, Tamilnadu who attended the Redemptorist Mission preached by Frs. Sengol, Periyanayagam, and Antony Frank from 1st July 2018 to 13th July 2018. We pray and wish that the Spirit of the Lord may continue to work in their lives, and may the seed that in sown by the missioners my take root deep in their hearts, in their families and in their parishes and bear much fruit. 

Contact the Missioner @ http://cssr.in/coimbatore-redemptorist-community

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Annual Retreat 2018


Annual Retreat 2018: Province of Bangalore (Ranchi, Jharkhand: India): The Province of Bangalore organized Annual retreat for the year 2018, in two places: Jharkhand and Bangalore. The first retreat took place in Ranchi, the capital city of Jharkhand State (one of the states in northern India), in a Diocesan campus called Social Development Centre (SDC), from 8th to 13th July. We were 24 retreatans present, including the Provincial Superior and the Vicar, and the rest as it were representing the whole Province of Bangalore or even country: Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, West Bengal, Odisha and Jharkhand.

The retreat guide was, a well known- international figure, our own confrere - Rev. Fr. Juventius Andrade C.Ss.R., a man with wide experience. With his expertise in the scriptures and experience as the (former) General Consultor (for 13 years), he helped us in the retreat by sharing his faith and spirituality and challenged  us with Conviction and Courage and yet yet with great Compassion. The theme of the retreat was "Abundant Redemption - Abandoned Poor", which is an extract of our sexennial theme, "Witnesses of the Redeemer: In Solidarity for Mission to a wounded world". 

We sincerely thank Rev. Fr. Juvy, who happily accepted to preach the retreat to his own brothers, all because of his love for the Congregation. The reteat ended on 13th July with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Juvy C.Ss.R.

We appreciate and are grateful to you dear Fr. Juvy. God bless you.

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Strong in faith, rejoicing in hope, burning with charity, on fire with zeal, in humility of heart and persevering in prayer, Redemptorists as apostolic men and genuine disciples of Saint Alphonsus follow Christ the Redeemer with hearts full of joy


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